Biosocius has been established for 7 years and incorporates HR and Training services with its Biosociates. It focuses on biotechnology people strategy consultancy, with a particular emphasis on exploring the impact of personalities within teams, building staff engagement, identifying talent gaps and succession planning. This analytical approach provides a robust infrastructure for people strategy decisions. In addition, we support late stage PhD students and post doctoral researchers through the MyFuturePlan initiative. What’s in it for you?

  • Understand how to make your best contribution in the workplace & your team

  • Define your career steps

  • Improve staff engagement

  • Build your team/s collaborative and therefore innovative capacity

Our services


People Strategy Consultancy

Understanding people, using our approach, enables you to determine how well your staff are engaged, help them to think through their career, develop succession and people expansion plans. In addition, we can implement appropriate HR processes such as job descriptions, grading structures and performance appraisal processes.



We provide you with an opportunity to evaluate your unique contribution in the workplace, work effectively in teams and explore how to make the most of your career. Everyone is brilliant; I can help you understand why you are.


Team Coaching

We use group online, and face to face, sessions to build trust and collaborative capacity within and between small teams.


Learning and Development

Often our people strategy work diagnoses learning and development needs within the team. The first step is often the Biotechnology Collaborative Development Programme focussed on developing behavioural characteristics within in your team/s. We are partnered with The Leadership School to provide further training interventions.


My Future Plan

My Future Plan supports late stage PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to develop their career plan within the biotechnology sector.


Coach approach

I have overlaid my connection base and business experience in the biotechnology sector with a foundation in coaching practice gained from Henley Business School where I received a Certificate in Coaching in 2012 (Grade A+). This has been augmented by a deeper dive into Time to Think coaching practice and Firework Career Coaching. 

My focus is based on creating a holistic picture of people, taking account of their personality, technical skills, experience and ambition. This insight helps you navigate your career. For a corporate client it builds a picture of your organisation’s current position with respect to people, addressing succession planning, skill gaps, and levels of engagement. This optimises your capacity to attract and retain people and provides them with the opportunity to step back and plan their future.

As you can see from this photograph, the coachee decides where coaching takes place - well chosen on this occasion. One of the few benefits of the Covid Pandemic has been the opportunity to coach online. Nearly all coaching is now conducted online and I expect this to remain popular. It is an ideal, and efficient, environment for thinking about your future.


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You in the workplace

Technical Skills - Your educational qualifications are key in this sector but you are surrounded by skilled people so it’s important to differentiate yourself and secure roles that meet your interests and aspirations.

Experience - Your experience significantly differentiates you in the workplace so it’s key to understand how you can best apply and benchmark this to meet your ambitions.

Ambition - Success depends on you understanding where you want to be in the short term (how do I make the most of the current situation) and medium term (what do I want to be doing next and how do I get there). It is rare I come across people with long term plans. The coaching session/s can help you clarify, and chart your path towards your ambitions - giving you a high chance of success.

My Personality - Using an online Personal Profile Analysis, provided by Thomas International, I can understand your preferred ways of working. This includes whether you are suited to your current role, whether you would benefit from adapting your current role, how you deal with current issues and how you behave under pressure.

Our Recent Clients
