Dr. Tony Bradshaw

Following my degree and PhD at Heriot Watt University, in Edinburgh, I was lucky enough to join British Sugar in 1988. This was an amazingly diverse job, with really dedicated people, exploring how biotechnologies could add value to the Company’s food ingredient portfolio. 

After 5 years I joined the Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering at University College London. We developed industry leading training (MBI Training) as a vehicle for engagement with industry. It’s still going strong after 30 years.

After four years as a leading recruiter of biotechnology leadership teams, with Ruston Poole International and Harvey Nash, I joined the BioIndustry Association’s leadership team in 2004.

At the BIA I was privileged to be working with the UK’s leading biotech entrepreneurs, under the leadership of Aisling Burnand. I loved this job, working with tremendous people at the BIA and throughout the industry. My particular contribution was establishing one of the UK’s Knowledge Transfer Networks, bioProcessUK (the centre piece Annual Conference is in its 21st year) in 2004 and supporting the national strategy around biological medicines development, manufacturing and skills - which played an important role in the UK based development of covid vaccines. I was awarded the inaugural Richard Wilson Impact Award in 2016.

These roles contributed to realising my ambition to be a leading professional in the area of biotechnology talent management, synthesising my skills into a unique offer. The BIA sponsored me to train as a coach leading to the establishment of my own talent consultancy - Biosocius Ltd with the early career focus MyFuturePlan.

An early project was establishing the Advanced Therapy Apprenticeship Community (ATAC) with Netty England, Kate Barclay and Laura Bennett (nee Unitt) and right now I am actively involved in the Resilience Centre of Excellence.

You can see more detail on my LinkedIn profile