MyFuturePlan is specifically designed for students and postdoctoral researchers considering their career path.

The fundamentals underpinning these group sessions are to help define each person’s personality and coalesce that with their technical skills, experience, and aspirations. They will be able to understand their preferred career route and best contribution within a research team, organisation, and the wider community which will, in most cases, make them more productive in their final year (Degree, Masters or PhD) and during their post doctoral research. This approach is relevant for all students & PDRAs although the principle focus is the bioindustry. 

Participants will learn how to build engagement with industry whether they want to join industry or build industry collaborations. This process is underpinned by a unique personality profile developed under the banner of MyFuturePlan. The profile highlights working strengths and limitations, preferred team role, and starts their thinking around ‘what do I do next?’. 

The first session introduces the profiling and the context of personality within career choices. The second session is a small group session building personal depth into their thinking about their options. Most delegates will want a 1:1 session to ask very specific questions - they will be offered this after session two and it is usually scheduled within 2-4 weeks.

Often a cohort is funded by the students or PDRs host institution as they realise their success will help the institutions impact and employability rating.

Projects cost £2.75k plus VAT (2023) for a cohort of up to 12 and have included clients such as:

  • Scottish Universities Life Sciences Alliance (SULSA)

  • University of Oxford

  • University of Birmingham

  • BEST - formerly the BioProNET STARS programme


“Thanks very much for taking the time to go over our profiles in more detail today. It was really helpful for me to be in a smaller group so we could dive in deeper to the results. Learned a lot and looking forward to sharing this with the rest of my team!”

“I thought the career coaching was an interesting course and I liked the links to our personalities. I felt that it has helped me realise that some of the things I do (or not do, e.g. speaking out a lot in meetings) at work are strongly related to my personality and I started noticing some of the traits we discussed about in the others around me. It also increased my awareness on what I should look for in a new job/career and helped me realise that I am actually quite happy with my chosen career path. Thank you for organising it!”

“I hope you are well. I really appreciated the two sessions with you about profiling and career planning for the SULSA Forging Futures programme. It has given me a lot of food for thought”

“Just wanted to say thank you so much for these sessions, they have been so valuable and have got me thinking so much even from the last session to this one. I think it was a welcome change after feeling like the odd one out in my work environment for a while”

“Thank you so much for your presentation and discussions at the BEST meeting. As always, the feedback shows that it has made the participants really think about where they are going and how to plan their route”