Learning and Development

I focus on what I believe has the biggest impact on bioscientists capacity to collaborate and hence innovate. The approach necessitates an understanding of how you and your colleagues prefer to operate and then building that information into The Biosocius Personal Development Programme – a series of 8 interactive seminars developing collaborative behaviours with wrap around coaching. Psychometric tools are used to support the development of emotional management and personal resilience.

  1. How can I perform at my best more of the time?

  2. Responding rather than reacting

  3. My Circle of Influence

  4. Increasing My Personal Resilience

  5. Communicating with Impact

  6. Effective Meetings

  7. Building Trust Based Relationships

  8. Giving and Receiving Feedback

The delivery model is face to face and focussed on small group co-learning through short and interactive seminars covered in 3 half days over 3-6 months. There is the opportunity for participants to build depth as they wish and is targeted at those seeking to establish and lift their career. It enhances collaboration, harnesses diversity and therefore drives innovation.


We have not uploaded the testimonials as they would be easy to attribute and can be quite personal. We can put you in contact with participants on request.