Team Coaching

Key benefit: building trust, and collaboration, within and between small teams

Research we’ve conducted suggests that the bioresearch community thrives under a coaching style of leadership. Team coaching has a profound impact on a team’s collaborative capacity. However, many scientists have a personality that does not naturally lend itself to collaborative behaviour. Creating an environment that is supportive of collaboration is important and Nancy Kline’s Time to Think Thinking Environment is utilised to shift collaborative culture. In addition, early career managers are thrust into management without support and without understanding their preferred style of leading their teams. This can be addressed through these workshops by highlighting an individual’s preferred way of collaborating - building confidence and stronger self awareness within the team.

My approach focuses on building a management style that engages team members and respects peer teams. It highlights the need to optimise personal contribution and capacity to collaborate. Group sessions, utilising online platforms, involve a single one on one session with each team member and a 90-minute group session and follow up.

Projects are typically in the £3k to £7k range and have included clients such as:

  • Cobra Biologics

  • Newcells Biologics

  • Iksuda

  • Biopharm Services

  • Kymab


  • Enhanced motivation and focus for early career staff

  • Improved team dynamics based on an understanding of colleagues’ preferred way of working

  • Stronger collaborative capacity with colleagues and partners in academia and industry


“Thank you again for your time earlier this week. I thought the format of having a small group of peers at different stages and different size company was a good mix, I enjoyed it!”

“I just wanted to reach out to say that you received some great feedback from the active LeaP cohorts. The people in the meeting shared that they really appreciated your sessions and got a lot out of them, and the people that followed up with you really valued your support.”

“The useful part of this workshop was that is matched up personality traits with how they fit into the work environment. It was really interesting to see how some of my particular personality traits would work in certain industry-based roles. I have never really thought too much about personality in the workplace. However, the workshop made me realise that finding a job that matches up with your personality will hopefully lead to having much more fulfilment at work.

“It opened up my eyes to my strengths and weaknesses and made me realise the importance of recognising both your own and other people’s. It also made me consider what career paths are better suited to my personality (particularly session 2 in smaller groups helped with this).”

“I thought it went well. The session got people talking about their preferred work “environment” which we hadn’t really explored before. The points about reinforcing clarity of objectives (both company level and individual) as well as the need for more day-to-day individual recognition stood out to me as areas where we need to make a more conscious effort as a leadership team.”